SustainabITALY sostenibilità made in Italy is supported by Sustainable Architecture for places of culture, promoted by the Direc-torate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture. The project is co-financed by Ordine degli Architetti PPC di Roma e Provincia (the Architects’ Association of Rome and the Lazio Region).
Green Building Italia (GBC) is the project leader www.gbcitalia.org

The University of Arkansas Rome Program promotes it in collaboration with other international universities: the Fay Jones School of Architecture of the University of Arkansas, USA; the College of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute USA; the College of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Thomas Jefferson University USA, and the Department of Architecture of the American University in Dubai, UAE.
opens Rome June, 18, 2024
More in detail, SustainabITALY is an itinerant international exhibition displaying sustainable buildings for places of culture realized in Italy LEED-certified Gold and Platinum. The exhibition will be inaugurated in Rome in the gardens of the Acquario Romano in the summer of 2024, and then fly to Fayetteville, New York, Philadelphia, and Dubai.
The dissemination of the projects takes place through an itinerant exhibition and various activities such as workshops, conferences, etc…